
Resources and Referrals

The CLC Women’s Center offers resources and referrals to community and campus organizations that serve a variety of our students’ needs. This list will be updated regularly.  Click on each of the following links to find out more information.

College of Lake County resources
Lake County community resources
McHenry County community resources
Cook County community resources
Online resources

You can also download a list of resources categorized under the Campus SaVE categories of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking here.

The Women’s Center Resource Library

The Women’s Center Resource Area houses gender-specific books, journals, videos/dvds and compact discs. Ideal for classroom use, research and referral, our materials can be checked out for two weeks at at time and renewed once. There is a $.50 fee per day for each item returned late. Following are lists of the titles we carry. An alphabetical list by author for books is also posted in the Center. You need to visit the Women’s Center in order to borrow these items.

We use LibraryThing to catalog our resources. You can visit our LibraryThing catalog of items here. You can also subscribe to an RSS feed of newly added items here.

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